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Kurs: Novapoint GeoSuite Settlement (e-kurs)


Our online courses are exercise based.

You control the time and pace of the course, and course access is limited to 90 days


Upon completing this course, the learner should:

  • Understand how to navigate the Geosuite Settlement user interface.
  • Know how to perform calculations in Geosuite Settlement using different material models
  • Know how to perform calculations with loading and off loading
  • Know how to perform calculations raising and lowering the ground water surface
  • Know how to analyse calculations and results for different soil conditions
  • Understand how to present the results in a report using the report generator


This course is held on version Novapoint Geosuite 2020.

This course is carried out with a Swedish configuration[AR1] of the program. Workflow is the same even if you use norwegian version of the program.


The course requires good theoretical knowledge of settlement calculations.

You need GeoSuite intalled with a valid licence to benefit from this course


This course is aimed at those who want to get started and learn more about settlement calculations in Geosuite.

It is suitable for all users. However, the soil models that are used in the course, such as Chalmers with and without creep, are more commonly used in Sweden.

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Boka plats
Novapoint GeoSuite Settlement (e-kurs)
Börja här
Formuläret använder SSL-kryptering
Tar en minut att slutföra
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